What an amazing time this is for growth and self-awareness. My head is still spinning with all the daily changes and things I’ve learned from other people, and about myself. Like, what gets on my nerves, what makes me cry, and new and old things that keep me busy. And the discovery that I develop FOMO if I sleep too late. WHAT’D I MISS?
What’s the point?
You are getting inundated with emails and group invites and hourly COVID updates and scary news reports. Every person on this planet has experienced a halt in their daily life as they knew it, shifted priorities, compromised comfort zones, and adapted to new ways. It’s been a challenge – more for some than others, yet everyone is affected. And right now, in 2020, is a huge opportunity to make the most of what you’re learning about yourself during this time. What new gifts can you take away when your after-COVID life resumes?
So, I’m inviting myself to give you tips on how you can “seize the day” and move it forward.
1. As always, be present and aware of what you’re feeling. Step outside yourself to think about what’s happening, your actions, right now. What are you feeling when you do this action? Is it annoying? Making you angry? Sad? Touching you? Are you finding joy? Is this a new joy?
2. Take these thoughts further. For example, using the situation that made you joyful. What about it made you happy? Think about ways you can recreate it for the future, when you’re down in the dumps, let’s say. For example, I discovered that I really enjoy writing these stories. It feels more special to me now because I’m in a different place than I was a few months ago. I’m learning a lot about the creative process, which in turn, teaches me more about myself and my capabilities.
3. Have you discovered something new that interests you? What new talents have you developed? How can you work that in on a regular basis? It’s so easy to forget about yourself If you’re a busy parent. Try sneaking away for just 10 minutes to do this for yourself. Ten minutes isn’t that long, and it’ll be a little needed boost for you and your soul.
4. In your spare time, either read or find something new to learn. I discovered arts and culture.google.com. It’s an amazing website that has thousands of fun and interesting cultural experiences. They’re not complicated, and you come away after a few minutes with some exciting new knowledge.
Now for basic functioning tips:
5. Yes, we have the opportunity to wear pajamas all day. What difference does it make, and who’s going to see me anyway? The answer is YOU ARE. YOU see you. Sure, the first few days were sneaky and fun. But after wearing your pajamas day in and day out, ask yourself how you really feel about yourself? Are you still as motivated? Are you finding yourself more in a funk than before? Try getting fully dressed and see how you feel about yourself then.
6. I am a huge fan of endorphins. Create some physical energy. It’s true what they say that endorphins are a natural mood-lifter. Find ways to burn calories and get a healthy heart-pump. Take a walk, do 25 jumping jacks.
7. And finally, the social media talk. There’s nothing more soul-draining than social media. Sure, there are lots of moving stories and pictures, and it can be fun at times. But it can also be a real downer for your self-esteem and your mood. Keep social media at bay and only spend minimum time.
I could go on and on, but I won’t. You know what resonates with you. All I ask is that you take some time to think about how you can positively grow from what you’re learning during COVID- quarantine and what actions you can take to continue this new self-awareness. It will benefit you and those around you.
I’m so excited for you. Good luck and have fun!