The Other Side

When I turned 50, I didn’t feel any different. Well, not on the outside. I still worked, I still worked out. I still went to Target once a week. Nothing changed there. But something inside was very different. One day I realized, “You’re on the other side now!” It was a shocking revelation. What do I do with this epiphany? I had noticed I was more self-conscious about my wardrobe and how I appeared to the outside world. Is this age-appropriate? Too revealing in a not-so-sexy way? I started to notice more fatty bulges, sagging skin – I won’t go on.

You’re on the other side now!

In time, I began to grow into this new revelation of being on the Other Side and my changing body, and found myself actually embracing it. What a wonderful and freeing experience to no longer care what the outside world felt about my skinny jeans or yoga pants worn as pants. Or not caring that I tripped on the sidewalk, or belting out songs like a rock star in my car. Who cares? I am free to discover who the real me is without embarrassment, guilt, or shame.

In my joy of newly found freedom, it dawned on me that I have worked my entire life, yet really hadn’t developed my Thing. Sure, I was interested in cooking, traveling, gardening, music, and movies, but I didn’t have a purpose.

I decided to hire a life coach, and that action changed my life. After 5 months, a new direction and a new passion were determined and refined. In my self-discovery work I became aware of and solidified my lifelong custom of championing people – cheer leading and enthusiastically supporting their dreams. I envisioned a career where I would be able to help clients reach their potential, and discover their own passions. That’s when I decided coaching was for me. What was even more shocking was my revelation that my whole life was being a coach, but I never knew it! I now have more fulfillment knowing I can share my experience and help others do the same. I used to dread being over 50. Now, I am on the Other Side, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

— Debbie Gerbec